Tuesday 26 April 2011

Task 2

The development of new and digital media means the audience is more powerful is terms of consumption and production. Discuss the arguments for and against the view.

The media has changed in the last decade dramatically; new technology has brought audiences closer into a ‘global village’ coined Marshal McLuhan. The release of new websites such as YouTube has allowed audience to now become producers of their own content. In some way giving them more power. For example YouTube has created musical stars from artists uploading their own video. Stars such as Justin Bibier and Jessie J have come out of the YouTube. Although YouTube liberates it audience it is heavily moderated and under certain control. Music companies such as EMI and Sony pay YouTube to keep their music from being copied by its audiences and reloaded upon their site.

Sites such as Blogger and guardian blogs have also empowered the audience as they are given the free will to post up what they like upon these blogs. There is hardly any regulation upon blogs so it allows more topics to be explored with fewer restrictions. The rise of blogs has given way to UGC, which means audiences views and values can be studied by other audiences. Also the technological advancement has given leeway to ‘Citizen Journalism’ where the audience can now be journalists themselves. News channels such as BBC and Sky News has features which allow audiences to send in pictures, videos and emails about what they’ve seen.

The uprising of online video has also given way to audiences to produce their own scheduling, as software such as BBC iplayer and 4od gives audience the choice of when to view their programs. These video players liberate the audience as they don’t have to conform to the broadcaster scheduling. Similar technology has been released by sky which allows audiences to record programmes they choose to view. Once these programmes are record they can be viewed over and over again.

However it can be argued that new technology has made audiences more vulnerable and easy to be attacked. Social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace allows the public to create pages about themselves and share thoughts, pictures and comments. This has given way to an increase in online crimes such as identity fraud, paedophilia and propaganda’s. Also audiences have now become ‘dumb down’ as they spend more time on social networking sites and gaming sites. It has led to a decrease in productivity and is affecting the younger audiences as it has been said to effect exam grades.

To conclude I believe that audiences have been become more powerful as they now have more free will to express their views and values to large audiences. Audiences can now create and decide when footage can be seen. In some way it can be said that audiences have been dumb’d down however it has allowed them to be more liberated by giving them the freedom of expression.

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