Hegemony- the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others.
'subordinated groups accept the ideas, values and readership of dominant groups' - Strinati 1995
Cultural imperialism- 'western Nations dominate the media around the world which in return effects on third world culture by imposing them western views and therefore destroying narrative culture' - Schiller, H.J (1973) communication and cultural domination
Globalisation- ''Globalisation' is often portrayed as a positive force which is unifying widely different societies, integrating them into a 'global village' and enriching all in the process.'
Web 2.0 - ' The second generation of the web, which enables people with no specialised technical knowledge to create their own websites, to self publish, create and upload.' - O'Riley
Marxism - Marxism wiki - 'Marxism is a particular political philosophy, economic and sociological world view based upon a materialistic interpretation of history'.
Pluralism - Wordnet.com - ' A social organisation in which diversity of racial or religious or ethnic or cultural groups is tolerated'.
Past conalisation - Wiki - 'Post modern intellectual discourse that consists of reactions to and analysis of the cultural legacy of conalism'.
Ownership and control - ' Legal title to a resource, good or commodity. Control means the ability to determine how a resource, good or commodity is used'.
Regulation - ' regulation is the control of the media by rules'
Censorship - 'The use of the media to control freedom of expression'.
The impact of new and digital media on the promotion of music artists.
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